Our Church Board consists of the Chair, the Minister, the church Treasurer and the Secretary, as well as members representing each of the following four teams: Ministry and Personnel (M&P), Trustees, STAMP (Space, Time, Assets, Money, Property), and STEAM (Spiritual matters Team).
Their work and their decisions are guided by the EUC Mission, Vision and Values. Holy manners govern their meetings and other interactions.
The M&P and Trustee teams are necessary as per United Church of Canada policy and operate under guidelines set out in The Manual, handbooks and guides of the National United Church of Canada.
The Minister is automatically a member of all committees except for Search Committees and Ministry and Personnel.
Church Board
Attends to accountability, policy development, discernment and visioning.
Ministry & Personnel (M & P)
Ensures a healthy relationship exists between church staff and the congregation.
Cares for the property, insurance and investments of the congregation.
STAMP (Space, Time, Assets, Money, Property)
Responsible for the day to day running of the church in matters associated with building, grounds, memorial garden, fundraising, stewardship, finances and user groups/tenants.
STEAM (Spiritual Team)
Responsible for overseeing the spiritual life and work of the congregation in areas such as worship, faith formation, congregational nurture, membership, communication, justice and community outreach.
Regional Representative
Holy Manners
- Keep God at the center of all things.
- Listen to everyone with curiosity and respect, and without interruption.
- Welcome the conflict of ideas.
- Speak for yourself and not for anyone else.
- Separate people from problems.
- Respect the decisions of the church.
- Call people to account when they forget their manners.