Our regular Sunday morning services at Esquimalt United are central to the work of our congregation and give a rhythm to the life of our community. Singing and praying, listening and learning, reflecting and keeping silence help us to connect more deeply with our Creator, and with one another. The different themes explored each week are usually determined by the season of the church year, and by local and world events. On some Sundays one of our lay leadership teams is responsible for the entire service. Covid has motivated us to make the service available over Zoom. Click this link in order to join in!
Long before the 10.30 am service, the church is already filled with activity! In the sanctuary the choir and musicians gather at 9.30 am to prepare to lead the singing.
Speaking of music, we love music! Brooke Maxwell is our music director and he always inspires. We have a number of musicians who join with our small but mighty choir in leading the musical aspects of our worship.
At present children can remain in worship with their families There are tables and creative materials available in the back corner of the sanctuary for those who wish. Otherwise, they can use the family room directly behind the sanctuary, and from where their caregivers can see and hear the service.
Our service ends around 11.40 am, and coffee, tea, and juice are served in the lower hall immediately afterwards. Everyone is welcome to stay for refreshments and conversation; it's a time to chat with old friends and make new ones.